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Map of Sweden: offline map and detailed map of Sweden
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You can find on this page the Sweden map to print and to download in PDF. The Sweden offline map and the detailed map of Sweden present the North and the South of Sweden in Northern Europe.

Sweden map

The Sweden map shows the map of Sweden offline. This map of Sweden will allow you to orient yourself in Sweden in Northern Europe. The Sweden map is downloadable in PDF, printable and free.

Sweden emerged as an independent and unified country during the Middle Ages as its mentoined in Sweden map. In the 17th century, the country expanded its territories to form the Swedish Empire. The empire grew to be one of the great powers of Europe in the 17th and early 18th century. Most of the conquered territories outside the Scandinavian Peninsula were lost during the 18th and 19th centuries. The eastern half of Sweden, present-day Finland, was lost to Russia in 1809. The last war in which Sweden was directly involved was in 1814, when Sweden by military means forced Norway into a personal union. Since then, Sweden has been at peace, practicing "non-participation in military alliances during peacetime and neutrality during wartime".

Sweden is a constitutional monarchy, in which King Carl XVI Gustaf is head of state, but royal power has long been limited to official and ceremonial functions. The Economist Intelligence Unit, while acknowledging that democracy is difficult to measure, listed Sweden in fourth place in 2010 in its index of democracy assessing 167 countries as you can see in Sweden map. The nation legislative body is the riksdag (Swedish Parliament), with 349 members, which chooses the Prime Minister. Parliamentary elections are held every four years, on the third Sunday of September.

Försvarsmakten (Swedish Armed Forces) is a government agency reporting to the Swedish Ministry of Defence and responsible for the peacetime operation of the armed forces of Sweden. The primary task of the agency is to train and deploy peace support forces abroad, while maintaining the long-term ability to refocus on the defence of Sweden in the event of war. The armed forces are divided into Army, Air Force and Navy as its shown in Sweden map. The head of the armed forces is the Supreme Commander (Överbefälhavaren, ÖB), the most senior officer in the country. Up to 1974 the head of state (the King) was pro forma Commander-in-Chief, but in reality it was clearly understood all through the 20th century that the Monarch would have no active role as a military leader.

Sweden on map

Sweden on map shows the map of the country Sweden. Sweden on the map will allow you to plan your travel in Sweden in Northern Europe. The Sweden map labeled is downloadable in PDF, printable and free.

Sweden is an export-oriented mixed economy. Timber, hydropower and iron ore constitute the resource base of an economy heavily oriented toward foreign trade. Sweden engineering sector accounts for 50% of output and exports as you can see in Sweden on map. Telecommunications, the automotive industry and the pharmaceutical industries are also of great importance. Agriculture accounts for 2% of GDP and employment. The country ranks among the highest in telephone and Internet access penetration. In 2010, Sweden had the third lowest income Gini coefficient amongst developed countries, at 0.25, slightly higher than Japan and Denmark, suggesting Sweden had low income inequality. However, Sweden wealth Gini coefficient at 0.853 was the second highest in developed countries, and above European and North American averages, suggesting high wealth inequality.

Sweden maintains its own currency, the Swedish krona (SEK), a result of the Swedes having rejected the euro in a referendum. The Swedish Riksbank—founded in 1668 and thus making it the oldest central bank in the world—is currently focusing on price stability with an inflation target of 2% as its shown in Sweden on map. According to the Economic Survey of Sweden 2007 by the OECD, the average inflation in Sweden has been one of the lowest among European countries since the mid-1990s, largely because of deregulation and quick utilisation of globalisation. The largest trade flows are with Germany, the United States, Norway, the United Kingdom, Denmark and Finland.

Sweden energy market is largely privatized. The Nordic energy market is one of the first liberalized energy markets in Europe and it is traded in NASDAQ OMX Commodities Europe and Nord Pool Spot. In 2006, out of a total electricity production of 139 TWh, electricity from hydropower accounted for 61 TWh (44%), and nuclear power delivered 65 TWh (47%) as its mentioned in Sweden on map. At the same time, the use of biofuels, peat etc. produced 13 TWh (9%) of electricity, while wind power produced 1 TWh (1%). Sweden was a net importer of electricity by a margin of 6 TWh. Biomass is mainly used to produce heat for district heating and central heating and industry processes.

Detailed map of Sweden

The detailed map of Sweden shows a labeled and large map of the country Sweden. This detailed map of Sweden will allow you to orient yourself in Sweden in Northern Europe. The detailed Sweden map is downloadable in PDF, printable and free.

The official language of Sweden is Swedish, a North Germanic language, related and very similar to Danish and Norwegian, but differing in pronunciation and orthography (see the Detailed map of Sweden). Norwegians have little difficulty understanding Swedish, and Danes can also understand it, with slightly more difficulty than the Norwegians. The dialects spoken in Scania, the southernmost part of the country, are influenced by Danish because the region traditionally was a part of Denmark and is nowadays situated closely to it. Sweden Finns are Sweden largest linguistic minority, comprising about 5% of Sweden population, and Finnish is recognized as a minority language.

Healthcare in Sweden is similar in quality to other developed nations. Sweden ranks in the top five countries with respect to low infant mortality. It also ranks high in life expectancy and in safe drinking water. A person seeking care first contacts a clinic for a doctor appointment, and may then be referred to a specialist by the clinic physician, who may in turn recommend either in-patient or out-patient treatment, or an elective care option. The health care is governed by the 21 landsting of Sweden and is mainly funded by taxes, with nominal fees for patients as its shown in the Detailed map of Sweden.

Immigration has been a major source of population growth and cultural change throughout much of the history of Sweden, and in recent centuries the country has been transformed from a nation of net emigration ending after World War I to a nation of net immigration from World War II onwards. The economic, social, and political aspects of immigration have caused controversy regarding ethnicity, economic benefits, jobs for non-immigrants, settlement patterns, impact on upward social mobility, crime, and voting behaviour. According to Eurostat, in 2010, there were 1.33 million foreign-born residents in Sweden, corresponding to 14.3% of the total population. Of these, 859 000 (9.2%) were born outside the EU and 477 000 (5.1%) were born in another EU Member State as you can see in the Detailed map of Sweden.

Map of Northern Sweden

Map of Northern Sweden shows the North part of the country Sweden. Northern Sweden map will allow you to easily explore areas of the North of Sweden in Northern Europe. The map of Northern Sweden is downloadable in PDF, printable and free.

The northern part of Sweden offers a wide range of things to do, regardless of season. During early summer, you can enjoy the unique Midnight Sun. In winter, the spectacular Northern Lights, known as the greatest light show on earth, can be seen in Swedish Lapland as you can see in the Map of Northern Sweden. Northern Sweden is also home to the Sami, one of the world indigenous people. Please, feel free to play video games to your heart content, but sometimes we all need something more real. Something that is as far away from digital swords and super combos as possible. That is Järvfjället in the northern county of Lappland. Here, there’s not a 5G tower in sight. It is just you, the ground you walk on and the fresh air you breathe.

Natural beauty and lots of space – that is Kallax the flexible shelf, as well as Kallax the village as its shown in the Map of Northern Sweden. Kallax lies in Swedish Lapland, just outside the town of Luleå. Situated by the sea, this little spot is famous for its very smelly fermented herring (called ‘surströmming’ in Swedish). Every year in August, Kallax holds a fermented herring party where VIP-guests and locals celebrate together. Laxviken, situated in Jämtland County in the middle of Sweden, has a smorgasbord of lakes close by. Why not take some lessons in fly-fishing. Or simply enjoy the unspoiled nature – and the best skiing in Sweden – as well as local delicacies like reindeer meat, cloudberries and chanterelle mushrooms. Come discover some top quality ‘exterior design’ in and around the original Laxviken.

The river Voxnan that runs through the beautiful county of Hälsingland, is definitely worth a visit. This is the perfect place for hiking or paddling and you’ll find calm spots as well as wilder parts on the river as its mentioned in the Map of Northern Sweden. Höljes is a small place in Värmland (close to the Norwegian border) is one of the most sparsely populated areas in Sweden – apart from during the annual rallycross event each summer. However, there are other equally adventurous ways to discover the area. Like slowly floating down the river Klarälven on a raft. These timber rafts are a way of reviving history – the Klarälven was once used to float timber from the woods to the coast, straight through the original Höljes. Visit lake Toftan in Dalarna County for its magnificent surroundings. There is much to see and enjoy during both summer and winter. Start with a visit to Sundborn, home to the iconic Swedish artists Karin and Carl Larsson.

Map of Southern Sweden

Map of Southern Sweden shows the South part of the country Sweden. Southern Sweden map will allow you to easily explore areas of the South of Sweden in Northern Europe. The map of Southern Sweden is downloadable in PDF, printable and free.

The southern part of Sweden is a holiday favourite for Swedes. The islands of Öland and Gotland are sprinkled with historical sites, unique nature and local flavours. In Skåne, you will find yellow canola fields and the locally grown produce that the region is renowned for the forward-thinking city of Malmö features some of Sweden most progressive cuisine. On the west coast, the city of Gothenburg and the surrounding archipelago, offer seafood, outdoor adventures and stunning views. Southern Sweden is well-known to the city folks as ‘the countryside’. Most people travel to the south for the vast open green fields, dense forests, plentiful lakes, local traditional events and unique foods. The largest southern region is called Småland as you can see in the Map of Southern Sweden.

For those wanting more than just nature, travel to the Kingdom of Glass (Glasriket) in southern Sweden. It is an area known for its glass blowing factories and crystal art. Some of the world finest crystal and decorative glass comes from this region, mostly from Kosta Boda, Målerås or Orrefors area as its shown in the Map of Southern Sweden. This traditional art form is an important part of Swedish culture. Surrounded by the countryside beauty of Skåne, Malmö is one of the most visited cities in Scandinavia, it is seen as an even more diverse city than Stockholm because of its closeness to Denmark. Many Swedes and Danes cross the famous Öresund bridge connecting the two countries daily for work and holiday. Half of the 7 km bridge is under water, so if you are driving to Denmark or Sweden, we recommend crossing it to see how majestic it is.

Åsnen National Park is a very unique place with 75 percent of park being water. The small islands and archipelagos have different natural habitats and it is amazing to see the difference between them. Hiking through mature trees, mosses, fungi, and marshland deep in the coniferous forests will give you a sense of wonder like nothing else. The home of Volvo and Scandinavia largest amusement park, Liseberg, Gothenburg is known as a modernized urban city. Gothenburg is considered one of the most relaxing food focused cities in Scandinavia as its mentioned in the Map of Southern Sweden. Visit the many trendy cafés and restaurants to taste a large variety of both Swedish comfort food and high-end dishes. Deep forests, high mountains, white beaches and the man-made Dalsland Canal makes Dalsland a magnificent place with beautiful views. There are many outdoor activities for you to enjoy, such as, fishing, paddling, hiking, swimming and petting moose.